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Google Ads How People Could Make It Big in 2019

2018 was one of the eventful years for Google Ads and businesses related to Google Ads. There was a number of recommendable changes and improvements witnessed by people which included the following things:

  1. Re-Branding– Google AdWords was re-branded with the change in the name to Google Ads and Google claimed that it has made a lot easier for businesses to advertise their platforms now.
  2. Change in the Interface– The previous interface has been replaced by the new interface which is faster and easier to use and it has more features which would help you in reaching the advertising goals.

There are more promising changes and challenges which Google Ads would bring in 2019 as it would help the advertisers to take advantage of the changes made in 2018 and in this year.

Here, are the things to look out for in 2019 by Google Ads:

  • Non-Skippable Video Ads of 15 Seconds

Google Ads How People Could Make It Big in 2019

The in-stream ads which are run by the advertisers on YouTube will get a benefit of getting their ads non-skippable for 15 seconds. This was previously only been available to advertisers who were having YouTube reservation but now this will be available to advertisers who are running auction campaigns in Google Ads.

It has been rolled out by Google for all advertisers and it would be fully available for the users by the next couple of weeks. The number of ads shown to users will be capped to maintain the great experience of watching YouTube videos.

The advertisers can now head over to Google Ads and they could set up a video 360 or display campaign. Now advertisers come along with a large range of users experience and creative lengths to achieve their advertising goals.

  • Allowed to Pay for Conversions

Google Ads How People Could Make It Big in 2019

The display ads in 2019 come along with the feature for advertisers to pay for conversions. This feature is available for display campaigns only and it means that advertisers are not supposed to pay for the clicks but only for the conversion which means when visitors convert on website or application.

The option is only available when you are using the target cost per acquisition bid strategy for your display campaign. The main benefit which advertiser will get is they will not be charged for clicks or impressions like the previous PPC campaigns rather only for the conversions or leads received by your campaigns.

There is also one major benefit with this, advertisers will not need to pay more than their Target Cost Per Acquisition bid. This update can be marked as historical as it is the first time that display network conversion rates will be lower than the search campaigns.

Responsive Search ads

The latest update on the text ads is that it comes along with responsive search ads. These responsive text ads are surely the future of search ads as they are placed more in the auction search results and provides advertisers with more authority.

These responsive ads will come along with 15 headlines and 4 descriptions which is quite bigger than the expanded text ads.

Google Adsense

Google Ads system will choose out of those provided headlines and descriptions the most relevant things to the search term and will show it in your ads. This would help you to saves a lot of time as you will not need to create multiple ad assets instead take the help of one single ad to increase your performance.

  • Increased Competition Level

The competition on Google is certainly on the rise and according to Google itself, there are over 4 million businesses who are advertising their products and services on the Google Ads platform. So being an advertiser you will face many competitors.

According to the research done by Wordstream click costs have also increased from the previous version and time. It is now more often than we see higher click costs for most of the keywords of different niches.

The costs will rise further up as there are new advertisers joining Google Ads each year. The action which is needed by your side is related to updating ads, search terms and keywords which would make your ads highly targeted and completely different.

Look to improve the quality score which would help you in achieving high ad positions and need less of your work on increasing the bids.

  • Increase in Mobile search

Increase in Mobile Searches

According to the report done by Statista, in 2018 there were over 51% of searches done by mobile. The number of people using smartphones will also go on a hike to huge numbers by the end of 2020.

The indication is pretty clear, if you want to make it big, you as an advertiser will need to work in offering a good user experience to your visitors.

And, these points would definitely help you in doing so:

  1. Make a fully responsive website for your visitors.
  2. Make sure that you are having a mobile website which you can direct traffic too.
  3. Using mobile bid modifiers which would help in increasing your ad position on mobile devices.

The conversion rate on the desktop is still higher than that of a mobile device but eventually, it would change it coming times. Users are now more comfortable in completing the transactions on mobile devices and this trend will be on the rise with every passing year.

  • Attribution Reporting on Cross-devices

Google Ads How People Could Make It Big in 2019

This is not a new thing to Google Ads and previously report like Device report were allowing advertisers to attribute to conversions. But to be better Google is now coming with cross-device reporting on Google Analytics.

Now, advertisers are allowed to segment and visualize their data across different devices and they can now see how each device is helping them achieve conversions on their Google Ads campaigns.

This cross-device reporting can be seen in the Audiences section of your Google Analytics and would eventually help you in seeing the number of devices which is accessing your website. Advertisers will be also able to see the last 5 devices which have contributed to conversion and the report will also provide the relationship between acquisitions and conversions.


2019 seems to be a very promising year for both Google Ads and advertisers. Google will keep on releasing many new features and updating the new interface of Google Ads which was just released in the year 2018. As an advertiser, you would have to definitely look out for these and other new releases in the Google Ads to make it big for your businesses in the year 2019.

Read: Google Advises to Use Supporting Written Content while Uploading Video on a Web Page

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