HomeDigital MarketingFeatures of Mobile Marketing That Make It Unique

Features of Mobile Marketing That Make It Unique

Are you curious about the Features of Mobile Marketing that make it so special? You’ve come to the right blog post if you answered yes.

Doesn’t matter when we are leaving home and with what urgency we are leaving home, there is one thing that we don’t leave our homes without. 

And that thing is our mobile phone or you can also call it a smartphone.

Because of the reason that people don’t go anywhere without their mobile phones in hand or pocket, doing mobile marketing or learning about the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing is more fruitful than ever nowadays.

Mobile marketing is a constructive way to reach customers because of its cost-effectiveness and the great results it brings.

Doesn’t matter what your purpose is – whether it is to advertise your products or services, inform people of a great festive deal that you are offering, or anything else, with the unique features of mobile marketing it is possible.

With the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing, not only is it possible, but in some cases, mobile marketing will prove to be much more valuable than other forms of marketing to fulfill your purposes.

You can estimate how effective the features of mobile marketing are by being informed that in the United States of America, among people aged between 16-64, more than 96% of them have a smartphone.

And most of the smartphone owners among these use their smartphones daily.

Furthermore, the advertising spend on mobile marketing will exceed $413 billion by 2024.

In addition to earning better revenue, maintaining high profits, increasing return on investment, and many other things, the features of mobile marketing offer many benefits no matter what size the brand is.

This blog post is intended to inform you about the features of mobile marketing so that you can take full advantage of them.

This blog post will not only inform you about the features of mobile marketing, but also the good and bad, the benefits of mobile marketing, the challenges associated with mobile marketing, the elements and strategies of mobile marketing, and many more.

About Mobile Marketing

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing today has become one of the most crucial aspects of a digital marketing strategy.

Mobile marketing means advertising and promoting a brand’s products and services on mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and iPads.

This advertising is done through various mobile marketing channels that are widely available.

Mobile marketing is not of just a single sort of form, it comes with many forms or you can say elements like SMS, MMS, Calls, and Push Notifications.

Mobile Marketing Examples

Here are some mobile marketing examples that clearly show the merits of the features of mobile marketing:


Nissan developed the “Evil Snowmen” commercial for its Rogue SUV. 

The advertisement showcased a video in which the Rogue SUV battled a group of snowmen. 

It also featured interactive areas on the screen, allowing users to tap and discover more about the SUV’s qualities. 

Additionally, some hotspots offered advice on weather conditions and safety precautions for dealing with snow.


Samsung, in collaboration with Indian tech firm InMobi, devised interactive advertisements for the launch of its Galaxy S6 smartphone. 

These ads showcased real-time, personalized battery identification ad units that would present the product, its services, and a product demo to users precisely when their phone battery levels were dwindling. 

The ad strategically emphasized the new phone’s “ultra-rapid charging feature” at a moment when the user’s battery was low, thus persuasively prompting them to consider an upgrade to the new phone.


Pond’s also established a collaboration with InMobi. 

They developed an interactive advertisement for one of their acne products. 

In this innovative approach, as users engage with their phones, the camera detects their facial characteristics and identifies areas prone to acne. 

A key advantage of this ad was that it required no software download or necessitated a visit to any external website.


Facing a downturn in sales in Brazil, Ruffles devised a strategy to attract teenagers through interactive advertising. 

They developed an immersive mobile reality game known as “AmiGo.” 

The player’s view was based on the game’s display, while their friends’ view was determined by the user’s camera feed, which showed an accumulation of Ruffle chips around the user. 

The friends could then direct voice commands to guide the user in collecting chips. 

Every collected chip accumulated points for the user. 

The top-scoring players were recognized and featured on Ruffles’ social media platforms.

Mobile Marketing includes what?

As you have been informed about what mobile marketing is and are ready to learn about the features of mobile marketing, you must also know what mobile marketing includes, and in this section, we will only cover that.

Following are a variety of things that mobile marketing includes but do know that mobile marketing is not limited just to the things that are mentioned below.

* Push Notifications

* Short Message Service (SMS)

* QR Codes

* Location-Based Offers

* Mobile Advertising

* Near-Field Communication (NFC)

* Mobile Optimized Websites

* Mobile Wallet

* Mobile Coupons

* Mobile Search

* Native Mobile Apps

Features of Mobile Marketing: The Good and the Bad

As you know each and everything in this world has its own good and bad, the same is true in the case of features of mobile marketing.

Goods of the Features of Mobile Marketing

The good and in fact, the best thing about mobile marketing is that there is no need for you to hire a dedicated team to execute your mobile marketing campaigns.

Because the features of mobile marketing are not too hard to grab, you can utilize your existing team to do mobile marketing for your business.

Bads of the Features of Mobile Marketing

The bad thing about mobile marketing is that there is a higher chance that your existing team believes that the benefit lies in developing marketing campaigns for desktop users only.

So you will have to try hard to convince your team to optimize the marketing campaign for mobile users. 

Even if you convince your team to work on the mobile marketing part, there is still a high chance that they will be uninterested in doing that.

So that’s a bad one when it comes to the features of mobile marketing.

The Challenge Associated with the Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The challenge associated with the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing is to get the right balance.

You as a chief of the business or a team leader have to make your team members devote equal time to web-based digital marketing and mobile marketing, which is quite a hard thing to do in our perspective.

Features of Mobile Marketing and the Benefits of Mobile Marketing

In this section, we are going to talk about the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing.

But first, we are going to start with the unique features of mobile marketing.

Unique Features of Mobile Marketing

There is too much ease in executing mobile marketing practices | 1st among the unique features of mobile marketing

The number one point that we are going to cover when talking about the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is that executing mobile marketing practices is not hard at all.

Even if you or your team do not have any technical experience beforehand, you won’t find mobile marketing practices hard to execute.

There are a lot of mobile marketing agencies that could help you in executing mobile marketing campaigns.

Additionally, there are a lot of mobile marketing software companies that provide you with step-by-step advice on how to execute mobile marketing campaigns for your business using their software.

Even if you still fail to understand the steps involved, these mobile marketing software companies will provide you with customer support where you will get LIVE support from a member of the company’s technical team.

The process of launching a mobile marketing campaign is quick | 2nd among the unique features of mobile marketing

The second point that we are going to cover when talking about the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is that the process of launching a mobile marketing campaign is very quick.

You can execute a mobile marketing campaign in as little as 1-day.

Mobile marketing allows you to measure the effectiveness of your ads | 3rd among the unique features of mobile marketing

The third point that we are going to cover when talking about the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is that with mobile marketing, you can measure how effectively your ads are running.

If you sign up for mobile marketing software, it will record and monitor all of your deliveries, interactions, and the conversions you have brought through your mobile marketing campaigns.

This will help you optimize your mobile marketing campaigns better if they are not generating constructive results.

Your ads are only shown to those who are in your target audience and will be interested in seeing them | 4th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The fourth point that we are going to cover when talking about the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is that you can show your product or service ads specifically to your target audiences.

With mobile marketing, you have the whole liberty of who should you show your ads to.

Not only this but several top-notch mobile marketing agencies will help you define who your target audience is, in case you are unaware of them.

So you can show your ads to your target audience, and because you are doing that, you will gain maximum conversions, and thus, maximum return on investment.

Mobile marketing lets subscribers decide whether or not they want to receive promotional messages from you | 5th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The fifth point when it comes to the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is that your subscribers decide whether or not they would like to see your advertisements or would like to receive promotional messages from you.

Even though audiences can opt out of receiving promotional messages from you, they are not using these options, which indicates their interest in your products or services.

Multi-Channel Marketing | 6th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The sixth point regarding the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is Multi-Channel Marketing.

In the field of digital marketing, multi-channel marketing is required to reach different segments of our targeted audiences.

If you would like to see an example, businesses usually do multi-channel marketing by promoting the advertising message on two different social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter.

There are too many digital software available that give the option to do multi-channel marketing on digital platforms, and mobile platforms are also included in these digital platforms. 

But because this blog is about the features of mobile marketing that make it unique, we are going to expand this a little further.

There are two main components of mobile marketing – SMS and Email.

Also, there is one more component of Mobile Marketing that has become very crucial and it is – Push Notifications.

In these three components of mobile marketing, you can implement multi-channel marketing.

There are various tools available on the internet that can help you do that, such as there is a tool available called ‘Catapult’.

Catapult is an all-in-one mobile marketing tool that can help you implement multi-channel marketing in your mobile marketing strategy.

Automation | 7th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The seventh point regarding the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is Automation.

There are so many platforms that provide automation features when it comes to doing digital marketing.

And in the case of mobile marketing too, we should not neglect this.

Automation in mobile marketing is just as important in mobile marketing as it is in digital marketing.

Because there are many zones where it is difficult to provide people with a full-blown mobile experience, automation is of great help in those zones.

Many skilled digital marketers make their web messages to fit the mobile, by using automation tools. 

These tools help in shifting web messages to mobile, effortlessly.

One such tool among them is Marketo.

Responsive Design | 8th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The eighth point regarding the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is Responsive Design.

In mobile marketing, the people who get your marketing and promotional messages, get them in a responsive design.

This means they have a seamless and soothing experience when viewing your marketing messages.

What responsive design means is that if people are viewing your advertisement on their handsets like mobile phones or tablets, then they are not going to have any difficulty in seeing the text.

The website that can help you with Responsive Design is Yodle.

Analytics | 9th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The ninth point regarding the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is Analytics.

You want to see the results and effectiveness of your mobile marketing campaigns so that you can optimize them from time to time for better results.

The good news is that with mobile marketing, you have the option to see the analytics of your mobile marketing campaigns.

The software that helps track the analytics of mobile marketing campaigns is Tune Marketing Console.

Tune Marketing Console is made specifically for mobile and comes with the primary purpose of providing you with the analytics of your mobile marketing campaigns.

This software collects all the data of your mobile marketing and shows it to you collectively in one place.

Apart from this, it provides you with a detailed showcase of the results that your mobile marketing campaign has brought.

Location-Based Marketing | 10th among the unique features of mobile marketing

The tenth point regarding the Unique Features of Mobile Marketing is Location-Based Marketing.

With Location-Based Marketing, you can reach out to your targeted customers who are based out of your targeted geographical area with the most perfect advertising message for them.

What happens in Location-Based Marketing is that the mobile marketer keeps the targeted customer’s location in mind and delivers to him the offers that are relevant to his location.

The best software for this purpose is Pulsate.

What Pulsate does is that it offers geo-fencing for every location, it could be as big as a city or as small as a tiny cabin in a coworking space.

Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

As we have now covered the unique features of mobile marketing, we are going to cover the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing.

Potential customers show faster turnaround times | 1st Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The first among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – the potential customers show faster turnaround times.

Because you are creating marketing campaigns at a faster pace and launching them very quickly, you get to see faster turnaround times from your potential customers.

Customer relationships are established by you | 2nd Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The second among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – customer relationships are established by you.

When you do mobile marketing, you get in touch with your customers like never before.

Because you are in a direct connection with your customers and also getting in touch with them consistently, your business gets to experience enhanced customer relationships.

You can reach new people without spending any extra money | 3rd Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The third among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – you can reach new people without spending any extra money.

One of the greatest benefits of mobile marketing is that if people who see your advertisement like it, they can save the ad and also share it with their family, friends, and acquaintances.

For this reason, you get to reach new people without spending any extra penny on ads.

But keep in mind that this thing is only viable if your advertisements are compelling enough.

Highly Personalized  | 4th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The fourth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – it is highly personalized.

Mobile marketing is highly personalized.

Because of the reason that it is highly personalized, businesses get access to target their specific set of audiences and thus generate maximum return on investment.

Mobile Marketing is Immediate  | 5th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The fifth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – mobile marketing is immediate.

Unlike other forms of marketing, mobile marketing is something that you alter as per your preferences on an immediate basis.

In the world of internet marketing, trends, and customers’ preferences change daily.

So it becomes mandatory that we change our offerings based on what the market needs.

With mobile marketing, it is all possible and feasible.

You can reach your customers in real-time | 6th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The sixth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – you can reach your customers in real-time.

With mobile marketing, it is possible to reach your customers in real time.

There are many instances when you need to reach your customers in real time without any delay.

Like for example, if you run a local food store and you decide to run a Friday special offer on Thursday night. 

Now you don’t have any other option other than to reach your customers and potential customers in real time.

In such cases, mobile marketing comes as a great help.

Mobile marketing can involve multiple strategies at once | 7th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The seventh among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – mobile marketing can involve multiple strategies at once.

With mobile marketing, you are not limited to just one strategy, instead, you can choose to involve multiple strategies at once.

Push Notifications, SMS, etc. are a few of the different strategies that are used when running a mobile marketing campaign.

You have the option to integrate all these strategies into your campaign for better and enhanced results.

You can expand your reach globally | 8th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The eighth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – you can expand your reach globally.

Facts speak louder than words.

In 2023, around 6.92 billion people in the world have access to a smartphone, which constitutes more than 85% of the world’s population.

With mobile marketing, you can reach out to as many people as you can, the only condition is that they must have a smartphone present.

And as now you know that nearly every person in the world has access to a smartphone, you can reach your desired set of audiences all over the world.

Affordable | 9th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The ninth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – it is affordable.

Mobile marketing differentiates itself due to its affordability.

Mobile marketing is way too cheap compared to traditional marketing.

Not only that, it is relatively cost-effective compared to web-based marketing as well.

The clicks that you get from a mobile device are around 20% cheaper than what you get from computers.

If you have recently started a new business or generally if you have a small business, you can take advantage of the benefits of mobile marketing because as a new business, you might have limited funds and you want to reach as many people as possible at the least amount of time.

You can choose from a variety of ad formats | 10th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The tenth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – you can choose from a variety of ad formats.

There are a variety of ad formats you can choose from when doing mobile marketing.

Although there are several ad formats, the 4 most popular among them are:

1) Banner Ads

2) Native Ads

3) Video Ads

4) Interstitial Ads

There is no need for you to run your ads on all these ad formats, you will have to choose any 1 among them that would best suit your business so that you can earn the maximum benefit out of it.

Let’s understand this through an example:

If you have a business that sells digital marketing services to the hospitality sector, banner ads would work great for you. 

On the other hand, if you are a realtor, what will work best for you is Video Ads because through video format you will be able to show the property that you are selling properly.

Mobile marketing speeds up conversions | 11th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The eleventh among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – mobile marketing speeds up conversions.

Mobile marketing speeds up conversions and we don’t mean this in a small way, we mean this in a big way.

With mobile phones always handy, it has become a lot easier for people to purchase the items they see online.

This is because transferring payments via mobile is a very quick and easy process.

Due to this reason, the E-commerce market has witnessed a huge growth and more people buy stuff from E-commerce platforms from their mobile phones rather than from their desktops.

A/B Testing is Possible | 12th Among the Exceptional Benefits of Mobile Marketing

The twelfth among the exceptional benefits of mobile marketing is – in mobile marketing, A/B Testing is Possible.

Digital marketing practices keep on changing, and you will constantly have to test out things to see what is working best for you and what is not.

A/B Testing is the best way to find that out.

In mobile marketing, A/B testing is possible, which means that you can always test ideas out and see how well they are working among your targeted audiences.

To understand this with the help of an example, when doing mobile marketing, you would always have a set of ad copies, graphics, headlines, etc. that worked the best for you in the past, and due to this, you reuse them again and again.

But, although these ad copies, graphics, headlines, etc. have worked well for you in the past, it doesn’t mean they will continue to work well in the future.

This is because of customer’s changing buying patterns and preferences.

You’ll have to constantly come up with new ideas to test things out and see what is working the best.

This could be done through A/B testing.

Fortunately, A/B testing is possible with mobile marketing because it is one of the benefits of mobile marketing.

Implementing Mobile Marketing Strategies

As we have covered the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing, in this section, we are going to cover the implementation of mobile marketing strategies.

Here are the strategies that you need to follow for successful mobile marketing:

Identify your target audience 

The first and most crucial step that you need to take for your mobile marketing strategy is to identify your target audience.

This is not just the first step of a mobile marketing strategy it is the first step of every strategy that comes under the digital marketing domain.

You’ll have to decide on your target audience so that you can come up with ideas on what type of advertising will resonate with them, what type of headline and CTA will intrigue them better, and so on.

Decide on the best mobile marketing channels

Once you have identified who your target audience is, you will have to decide on which mobile marketing channels to use to reach those targeted customers.

There are a variety of mobile marketing channels including SMS and Push Notifications.

You’ll have to see what would be the best mobile marketing channels for your targeted audience and use them for maximum results.

Develop your message

The time has come for you when you start to develop your message.

This message should be relevant to your target audiences and should be sent using the same mobile marketing channels that you have decided on.

The message should be clear to your target audiences and they should resonate with it.

Choose the right moment to send your message

If you think the work is finished, no, it is not finished yet.

You have decided on your target audiences, decided on the best mobile marketing channels, and developed your message, Now is the time for you to find out the right time to send out your message.

More than just finding the right people is required, you will have to reach at the right time to the correct set of audiences.

Research on what would be the best time to reach your audiences and reach them at that exact point in time.

Analyze the results

Now that you have done everything, it is time for you to analyze the results that your mobile marketing campaign has brought.

Analyzing the results will help you determine whether you have accomplished your mobile marketing goal or not or how far or near you are in achieving your mobile marketing goal.

Drawbacks of Mobile Marketing

As you have already been informed about the benefits of mobile marketing and the features of mobile marketing, you should also be informed about Mobile Marketing’s drawbacks. This section is intended to inform you about that only.

Mobile marketing comes with a few drawbacks and here they are:

Mobile Marketing is not at all easy

Yes, we earlier discussed how people always keep their mobile phones with themselves and how easy and quick mobile marketing’s implementation is. 

Despite all this, mobile marketing is not at all easy to do because people’s phones are always filled with text messages, push notifications, etc. from various companies.

And for this, people do what is best for them to do, that is ignore all these mobile marketing messages.

For your mobile marketing message to stand out, it needs to be exceptionally unique and different.

Mobile Marketing is sometimes expensive

Yes, we said this earlier too that mobile marketing is very affordable.

However, it could be expensive in some cases.

In cases like when the business does not have any application or a website, they will have to pay for the website or application to be developed.

Such things are expensive and could take a large amount of money from your pocket.

Additionally, if you do not have any experience in mobile marketing or if you don’t have a team to implement mobile marketing practices, you will have to pay heavy money to an agency to do mobile marketing for you.

Mobile marketing plans must be perfect, there is no room for average plans in this industry

Because people are bombarded with constant mobile marketing messages if you have an average plan for your mobile marketing, your audiences are going to lose interest in your company and there might be a chance that they will forever lose interest in you.

You will have to understand your audiences on what they want from you, be creative in your mobile marketing message, and strive to be better than your competitors if you are aiming to get the attention of your targeted audiences.

Additionally, if you don’t have a solid and perfect mobile marketing plan, it will be hard for you to get the people’s contact information i.e. their email or phone number because people are too reluctant to share that.

They only share their contact information with those whose ads they find too compelling.

Your competitors are always striving to be better and you should do that too.

Elements of Mobile Marketing

Here you will get the details of the elements of mobile marketing.

SMS Marketing

When it comes to Mobile Marketing, the number 1 element that comes to mind is SMS Marketing.

When you deliver useful information through SMS in a short manner about your business to the people who have previously interacted with your brand, it is called SMS Marketing.

This useful information could be of any type – it could be your brand launching a brand new product, it could be a 50% sale on your current product, or any other type.

What SMS marketing helps in is, it helps in engaging customers, making them purchase new products from you, and making them loyal advocates of your brand.

In a developing country like India, SMS marketing works way too well.

The click-through rate of an SMS is better than that of an Email in India.

Additionally, SMS marketing brings way more engagement than email in India.

Because of the reason that SMS marketing is affordable and easy to carry out, many businesses (especially, mid and small-sized businesses) take advantage of SMS marketing to promote their products and services.

MMS Marketing

MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service.

How MMS Marketing differentiates itself from SMS Marketing is that in MMS Marketing, you don’t just send out the texts but you can also combine that text with images, infographics, videos, etc. 

MMS Marketing is great when you would like your audiences to engage more with your brand and when you want them to get that feel for your product.

Push Notifications

Doesn’t matter whether you use your smartphone too much or not, you must have seen push notifications on your mobile coming up.

You only get Push Notifications from those apps that you have installed on your phone.

You can’t get push notifications from any external app.

The reason why companies send out Push Notifications is 

1) They don’t want you to forget their brand – They understand that smartphone users nowadays have a lot of applications installed in their mobile phones and it is easy for them to forget later on about the apps that are already installed in their mobile phones.

2) They want to present you with new offers on their products and services – Just the way you get informed about new offers on a business’s products and services through SMS, in the same way, you also get informed about the offers on their products and services through push notifications.

3) You can’t ignore Push Notifications – Because of the reason that Push Notifications appear suddenly and you can’t ignore them even if you choose to, it makes a no-brainer for companies to send out Push Notifications from time to time.

Push Notifications are completely permission-based. 

You don’t get them until you have allowed the company to send push notifications to you.

You can also choose to opt out of push notifications whenever you want.

Social Media Marketing

If we are talking about the elements of mobile marketing, then how can we forget to talk about social media marketing?

Many and many of social media users today, access social media through their mobile phones instead of their computers.

This is because of the convenience mobile phone brings to users.

To access social media via computers, people first have to turn on their computers, then they have to open their web browsers, then they have to type in the social media platform’s URL, and then the social media platform gets opened on a computer.

But doing that on a mobile phone is just 1-click away.

In social media marketing, as a business owner or a marketer, what you have to do is that you have to first identify on which social networking platforms your targeted set of audiences hang out, and what type of content they prefer to see. 

Then you need to develop your strategy according to that.

QR Code Marketing

The next on our list is QR Code Marketing.

In the QR Code, QR stands for Quick Response. 

Just a few years earlier, businesses were unaware of QR code marketing.

But right after Paytm, PhonePe, GooglePay, MobiKwik, and similar Fintech companies arrived in the marketplace, they changed the whole payment system.

Right after their arrival, QR code marketing gained popularity.

Consumers can benefit from QR Code marketing by scanning a QR Code via their mobile phones.

So how it works is this,

You see a QR code from a company, and when you scan that QR code from your smartphone’s camera, it takes you to the company’s website where you can see the products offered by the company, get information about the company, and many more things. 

You might also be able to see the offers the company is providing on its products (if the company chooses to redirect you there).

Location-Based Marketing

Right after discussing QR Code Marketing, we decided to discuss Location-Based Marketing because just like QR Code Marketing, Location-Based Marketing is also a new concept in the realm of Mobile Marketing.

Businesses both big and small have started to incorporate location-based marketing so that they could serve the targeted customers at the targeted locations.

Location-based marketing is gaining immense popularity nowadays and it has been predicted that by 2025, it will be implemented in every digital marketing strategy of every business.

The purposes of Location-Based Marketing are – a) It helps businesses in providing targeted content to the audiences. Content that is appropriate to the location where the audiences stay.

b) It helps businesses in promoting the right products to the most relevant people. 

The best example of this is clothing retail stores. 

If a clothing retail store is situated in a mall in Delhi and it is giving a big discount offer on its clothes, there would be no benefit for that store to show this offer to the one who is sitting in the city of Mumbai.

The way the store will benefit is, by showing offers to the one who is located near them.

Even if the person does not stay near the store and is just browsing nearby from there, he will be able to see the location-based advertisement and if he would be interested in any piece of cloth from the store, he might end up buying it.

Web Pages (Mobile Optimized)

Mobile Optimized Web Pages is one of the most significant elements of mobile marketing.

This is because contrary to 10 years back nowadays, most of the internet-related activities that we do, we do on our mobile phones.

Whether it is clicking on the link of an ad on social media and getting redirected to its landing page, browsing an eCommerce store, visiting someone’s website, and everything else.

The above examples that we have given – landing pages, eCommerce store pages, and websites, all include webpages.

The reason you go through them on your mobile device is because you get a mobile-optimized view of them. 

Otherwise, you would not be browsing them anyway.

Mobile Advertising

Understanding mobile advertising is very simple.

Mobile advertising is the direct promotion of your business, products, or services to the audience.

Mobile advertising is of different forms including Banner Ads, Interstitial Ads, and Video Ads

Banner Ads

In mobile advertising, the most used one that has been employed by companies all over the world for decades is Banner Ads.

Whenever you visit a website and you see a rectangular-shaped advertisement with a call to action button in it along with a cross sign, that is a banner ad.

Interstitial Ads

The next one we would like to talk about is Interstitial ads.

If you are a mobile gamer, there is a 100% chance that you are aware of Interstitial ads.

Interstitial ads appear when you move from one level to another in mobile games.

It is usually not possible to skip these ads or if you can, you can only skip them after they have run for a certain amount of time.

Video Ads

Video Ads are those ads that you watch in a video format.

Typically, these ads come when you play a YouTube video. 

Video Ads are the ones that have gained immense popularity after Reliance JIO launched its services back in 2016.

Before that, data cost was too high in India and people were reluctant to spend their time watching videos on video streaming services like YouTube.

After Jio’s arrival, people started spending more and more time watching YouTube videos and the consumption of video ads among businesses grew immensely.

Native Ads

Native ads are those ads that you typically see emerging on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

These ads seem like the usual posts that you see on these social media platforms, the only differentiator however is that you will see “Sponsored” written on them.

Native ads are the best sort of ads when it comes to driving effective engagement and reach at a reasonable cost.

Mobile Application Advertising

Mobile Application Advertising is also known as Application-based marketing.

Application-based marketing refers to the ads that businesses run on mobile-based applications. 

Usually, these ads are run on those mobile applications that are mostly used by their targeted set of customers.

There is also another approach to Mobile application advertising or Application-based marketing.

When businesses give rewards to people to interact with their app, it is also known as app-based marketing.

Email Marketing

The final one is Email Marketing.

Email Marketing is one of the most popular elements of mobile marketing.

The reason we have written this at last is because email marketing is not specific to just mobile marketing, instead, it is used in all forms of marketing over the internet.

Using email to promote one’s products or services is called e-mail marketing.

If you would like to know how powerful email marketing is,

* The revenue for email marketing is expected to reach around 11 billion by 2023’s end.

* By 2025, there will be 4.6 billion email users.

In a survey, it was found that more and more people prefer to read emails on their mobile phones rather than on their computers.

There are many tools available to do email marketing successfully. 

These tools are both free and paid.

One of the most prominent among them is Hubspot.

We recommend you use these email marketing tools for your email marketing campaigns.

Once you start using email marketing tools such as Hubspot, you can take advantage of its useful features to generate concrete results for your email marketing campaigns.

Mobile Marketing Versus

Mobile Marketing Vs. Email Marketing

If we talk about the fundamentals, the basic difference between mobile marketing and email marketing is that email marketing refers to promoting a product, service, or brand via email.

On the other hand, mobile marketing refers to a diverse group under which there are a lot of strategies that come. 

Strategies like SMS Marketing, QR Code Marketing, etc.

And because people nowadays have started opening emails more on their phones than on their computers, email marketing is also something that comes under mobile marketing.

Mobile Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

Mobile marketing is totally different, totally worlds apart when it comes to traditional marketing.

Although there are many differences between Mobile Marketing and Traditional Marketing, here are key differences between them.

Traditional MarketingMobile Marketing
A lot of money gets spent.In mobile marketing, the marketing cost is reasonable.
It is limited to certain and specific locations.Mobile marketing is worldwide, you can promote your product in the other part of the world sitting at your home.
You can’t analyze and measure the results.In mobile marketing, you can measure the results and optimize your campaign according to that.
The conversion rate is low.The conversion rate is high.
Return on Investment is low.Return on Investment is high.

Here are some statistics that prove the effectiveness of the features of mobile marketing

Here we present some crucial email marketing statistics that prove the effectiveness of the features of mobile marketing.

* As per a report by Statista, by 2025, more than 375 billion emails will be sent and received each and every day.

* In email marketing, you get a return of $40 for every dollar you spend.

* More than 80% of small and medium-sized businesses rely on the features of email marketing to gain new customers.

* A 69% conversion rate is achieved by sending 3 abandoned cart emails to people.

* Approximately 50% of clients and customers like receiving weekly promotional emails from their favorite brands.

What does the future hold for the features of mobile marketing?

The future holds a lot for the features of mobile marketing.

In this section, we are going to introduce you to two features of mobile marketing that will be dominant in the future.

These two features of mobile marketing are Metaverse Marketing and Augmented Reality.

Apart from these, there is one more and that is voice search.

Voice search is still used nowadays and we would have talked about that in the main section of this blog post but we did not.

The reason we didn’t talk about voice search in our blog post is that it is still not being used widely in the world.

But the future holds a lot for it, voice search marketing will be one of the primary forms of marketing in the future.

Augmented Reality

One of the features of mobile marketing that is described by many experts as the future of mobile marketing is Augmented Reality.

To explain Augmented Reality in the simplest form possible, Augmented Reality combines technology-generated content with real-world experiences.

Do you remember the mobile game Pokemon Go, which was the hottest thing back in 2016?

In that game, you could see and catch Pokemons from the places near you, it was all possible because of Augmented Reality.

Metaverse Marketing

Among the other features of mobile marketing, that will be one of the most prominent forms of mobile marketing in the future is Metaverse Marketing.

Metaverse means “Reality in Digital”.

Metaverse combines things like Augmented Reality, Cryptocurrencies, Virtual Gaming, etc. to make people feel what they are into (the Internet) is a real world.

The number 1 company in the world that people are highly relying on for bringing in Metaverse to the world is Meta, led by Mark Zuckerberg.

Although we are still a little far away from seeing the complete Metaverse being implemented into the technology world, we are definitely going to see it in the future.

The one who wants to get a glimpse of how the Metaverse world works can try his hands on games like Axie Infinity, My Neighbor Alice, and Sorare.

Last Words About the Features of Mobile Marketing

After reading this complete post, we are sure you feel it was worth it.

We are sure you are now grasped with complete information on what the features of mobile marketing are along with the benefits of mobile marketing. 

You clicked on the link of this blog post to get informed about the features of mobile marketing but you are leaving this blog post with much more information rather than just the features of mobile marketing.

Apart from the features of mobile marketing, you are now informed about what mobile marketing includes, how to implement mobile marketing strategies, the elements of mobile marketing, and the difference between traditional marketing and mobile marketing, among many other things.

Certainly, from today onwards, you are never going to ask anyone whether mobile marketing is the right option for your business or not.

Because you know no matter what industry you are in, understanding the elements of mobile marketing, taking advantage of the benefits of mobile marketing, and implementing the features of mobile marketing is the right choice for your business.

If you want to learn mobile marketing effectively, the best place for you to join is the Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing (DIDM).

DIDM comes with 10+ years of experience in training people how to do digital marketing and the best thing about DIDM as a digital marketing training company is that DIDM constantly adapts to new internet-marketing-related technologies to train its students in the most trending concepts of internet marketing. 

Email us at info@didm.in for any query about our digital marketing courses.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Features of Mobile Marketing

  1. 1) What are the main features of mobile marketing?

    There are many features of mobile marketing, which we have already discussed in our blog post above. If we talk about the most distinguished feature of mobile marketing, it is that mobile phones are always present with people, they never leave them in their homes. So, there is less to no chance that your mobile marketing advertising message will be missed by your customers.

  2. 2) What is the cost of doing mobile marketing?

    As we informed you about the many elements of mobile marketing, each element has its varied cost. It will depend upon what strategy you are implementing for what cost you need to pay.

  3. 3) What are the 4 Ps of Mobile Marketing?

    The 4 Ps of Mobile Marketing are as follows: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place.

  4. 4) What are the types of Mobile?

    The 4 main types of mobile devices are:
    a) Camera Phones
    b) Feature Phones
    c) Smart Phones
    d) Phablets

    In all these types of mobile devices, people can become a target of your mobile marketing strategies. In feature phones, people can’t see your digitally related mobile marketing techniques because these phones are not technologically advanced but still you can target feature phone users through SMS marketing.

  5. 5) Why is mobile marketing the future?

    Mobile marketing is surely the future. Businesses in the future are going to take advantage of the features of mobile marketing and the benefits of mobile marketing tremendously. Currently, there are more than 6 billion smartphone users in the world (which is more than 75% of the world population) and this number is constantly going to increase in the future. According to a report by Statista, there will be more than 7.6 billion smartphone users in the world by 2027.

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