There is no second thought about link building was hurt by the leftover and remains of black hat tactics which included link farms, paid link schemes, hidden links, and spammy content. But soon after the introduction of Google’s Penguin algorithm updates in 2012 for keeping a check on these tactics and then the focus was turned extremely to white hat techniques and quality of the content.

This doesn’t give any hint to the debate whether link building has reached its end. Some expert of SEOs suggests any extreme work for link building is a waste of time and violation of policy too. Whereas some of the experts suggest link building should be a valuable, legitimate part of any SEO strategy. So, Decide it yourself.
Link Building and Quality Content
Link building is probably a waste of time and instead of wasting time on link building one should spend the time in writing better content which focuses on UX and user intent.
One of the older SEO advice of writing content for users rather than for the search engines also applies to link building. But one should not build links thinking that any certain SEO value rather one should build links which drive targeted traffic to your website.

The businesses which have limited resources and limited team member in their SEO team, it is suggested that you should invest time in the creation of new great content.
One should always look forward to providing superior user experience and intended to match the user intent. The ultimate goal will be led to providing the best result. Every business should aspire to be the leader in their respective field. You should look forward to earning links rather than building them.
As a digital marketer, we are quite often said to accomplish brand awareness or reach KPIs working on limited resources. The discussion cannot reach some point but it could overshadow links relatively smaller purpose which is other than dictating search rankings. The discussion was mainly focused on providing users with the context and resources they are looking for.

Links could only help you get ranked but the clicks would help you to know you deserved to be there.
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