One of the reasons you are here reading this blog is because you have typed on Google “How to Start Career in Digital Marketing” or “How to start a Digital Marketing Career”? And if you have also typed the same thing, then we have one word in your appreciation: “Wonderful.” It’s wonderful because that just shows you are cautious and careful about your future and you want to do something good in your professional life to have a thriving career.
The team of Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing assures you that starting a digital marketing career in India comes with a lot of benefits and you will never look back in future feeling pity about your choice of becoming a digital marketer. In fact, you will only be proud.
This blog post has been published by us for those who want to start a digital marketing career in India but are unaware how, due to this they turn to every person they randomly meet and ask them “How to Start a Digital Marketing Career in India?” or “How to start career in Digital Marketing?”. As the best digital marketing institute in Delhi, we believe that we are accountable for providing you with the best answer to this question.
How to start a digital marketing career in India?
Is a digital marketing career in India good enough?

A Digital Marketing Career in India is Too Good. Digital marketers are thriving not just in India but in every corner of the world. If we talk about Digital Marketing Career in India, the value of digital marketers in India has been constantly increasing.
The more people in India are joining digital media to get informed or for entertainment purposes, the more it is increasing the demand for digital marketers in India.
Nowadays, people have stopped utilizing television and other forms of entertainment that were hugely utilized a decade back and have settled for using social media applications for entertainment purposes, especially YouTube, which is the biggest video streaming platform in the world.
Due to this, even bigger companies that used to spend most of their marketing budget on television advertising in India started spending equally on both digital marketing and traditional advertising like newspaper advertising, television advertising, etc. back in 2015.
But now, if we talk about 2022, companies are investing hugely in digital marketing and constantly hiring digital marketing experts for their organizations because they are aware of the benefits that digital marketing could bring to their organizations.
And if we talk about smaller companies, previously it was too difficult for them to market their products and services because the prices for television advertising were too high for them to pay, but now after the arrival of digital marketing, even they are reaping the benefits of it as it is very reasonably priced. This has led to an increase in digital marketing jobs everywhere and in all types of companies.
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How much does it cost to start a digital marketing career in India?

It will not take you a fortune to spend on getting digital marketing education to start a digital marketing career in India.
In fact, if you are willing to spend your time, you don’t need to spend a single rupee on digital marketing education. You can choose to learn it by doing it as well.
As digital marketing is a practical-based skill, the more you practice it, the better you will become at it.
However, we recommend you do digital marketing practice while simultaneously learning it from a digital marketing expert.
This means that you should practice this skill while being trained by someone who is an expert in the field.
The thing is, digital marketing is a broad ocean, and figuring out things on your own is not going to take you less than a lifetime.
If you learn it from an expert, you will learn quickly because of his guidance. The training time will be around three months and the cost will be no more than one lakh rupees.
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4 tips for you to know how to start career in Digital Marketing?
#1 Understand the digital marketing fundamentals.

You might be thinking that it is absurd of us to talk about this as it is obvious to learn the basics or fundamentals of anything before moving on to the advanced steps.
But here is only where we have seen so many people taking the wrong step. They begin with the intention of becoming a digital marketing expert.
They jump in directly to learn about Facebook Ads, Pay Per Click Advertisements, email marketing, etc. What they should instead be doing is learning the fundamentals of digital marketing.
We believe that many people never get even a slight bit of success in their career as a digital marketer because they see digital marketing as just running Google ads or Social Media Ads, getting leads from there, and handing them over to the salespeople so that they can close them. And just that. Now their task is finished, but that is the wrong approach to digital marketing.
You need to understand the fact that what you are calling a “lead” is actually a real human out there. And as a human, he has his unique set of emotions, has fears and pains, dreams and pleasures, etc.
You need to understand those unique sets of emotions to market to them effectively. And understanding those emotions comes under digital marketing fundamentals.
What most digital marketing institutes teach their students is the trick to setting up a Facebook advertisement or the tactic to optimizing a PPC advertisement, but that should not be done as tactics, tips, and tricks will change regularly, but fundamentals will stay the same.
If you properly understand the digital marketing fundamentals, then you will be great at doing nearly all forms of digital marketing and not just one.
#2 Acquire the certificates from HubSpot.

Regardless of where you take your digital marketing course. You need to get the certifications from majorly trusted sites, for example, Hubspot.
Employers and recruiters of top companies do appreciate those candidates who take the extra step by obtaining additional certifications. This just shows how dedicated a candidate is to his career.
And therefore, he gets selected before anyone else for the digital marketing job. The chances are, you might have earned a certificate in digital marketing from an institute that the recruiters are unaware of, but the certificates from major sites like Hubspot will make you seem like a knowledgeable person to the recruiter.
#3 Get an internship at a digital marketing agency.

This is by far the best thing you could do as a digital marketer. As we said earlier, digital marketing is a practical skill, and you need to have practical experience of how to market digitally before acquiring a job or a freelance gig.
What you learn in a digital marketing course is mostly a theoretical experience. What we have seen people going through is that they think that it is very difficult to get an internship at a reputable digital marketing agency, but we would like to tell you that it is not true at all.
Does not matter whether the digital marketing agency is big or small, they are always in search of digital marketing interns to help them with the work.
As digital marketing is an ocean, there are wide opportunities of what activities one agency could perform there to benefit their clients, and the possibilities never come to an end.
Digital marketing agencies always seek digital marketing interns to hire because they want to test new things for their clients, and in order to do that properly, they need resources.
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In such cases, they consider digital marketing interns as a resource. They even pay to online job platforms to hire interns for their organization. You can now start to see, how much importance they put into hiring interns and filling internship roles.
So, if you reach out to several digital marketing agencies for internship opportunities, there are very high chances that you will get the opportunity in a few of them.
You don’t need to work in a digital marketing agency for a long time, like a year or so. You can just complete your internship there in 3 to 4 months, get a certificate, and seek new opportunities for your career growth.
What this will do for you is that, it will give your confidence a proper boost. At the start of a digital marketing career in India, people often question their own abilities and skills, but after completing the internship and gaining practical exposure, they find a new confidence in them. This comes due to doing LIVE client project work and generating results.
It makes them feel ready for what their vision is to accomplish. They now see themselves as capable of scoring freelance gigs and doing the work successfully.
#4 Never settle for what you have learned, keep updating your digital marketing knowledge.

What most new digital marketers also do wrong is that they just rely on the information that they have received from the digital marketing institute.
Accept that digital marketing has never been the same and will never be the same.
Search engines like Google and social media platforms like Facebook are constantly updating their algorithms to ensure that users are more engaged with the content they see.
You need to be aware of these changes in order to thrive in your career as a digital marketer. If we try to understand this through an example, How Google used to rank websites and blogs around ten years ago was based on the number of keywords induced and the number of backlinks that the website has gotten.
Then, after some time of this, Google understood the manipulations that people were making with keywords and the buying and selling of backlinks.
Due to this, Google came up with its major updates, namely Panda and Penguin. After these updates got executed, all the blogs that were ranking solely because of the keywords and backlinks got dropped because now Google was putting its primary focus on the quality of the content.
Now imagine if you had been in the place of those digital marketers who were ranked the blogs by buying and exchanging backlinks. How would you have ranked the blog again without keeping yourself updated on the recent update?
That would have been very tough, not to say impossible. That is why keeping yourself updated is important so that whenever Google or any social media platform updates anything, you implement the changes for your business and do not lose out on anything.
During the interview, the interviewer sometimes asks the candidate about the recent Google update. This is to see how knowledgeable and passionate the candidate is about digital marketing.
Read Also: How Core Web Vitals Affect Google’s Algorithms?
Frequently Asked Questions
How to start a digital marketing career in India if I am a fresher?
If you are a fresher, then your first step should be to enroll in a digital marketing certification course because only after that will you be possessed with skills that you could use further in your digital marketing career. If you join a good digital marketing institute, then you will get a blueprint from them on how to start a digital marketing career and thrive in it.
What do I need to start digital marketing career in India?
You don’t need any previous experience to start your digital marketing career in India as you learn everything from scratch.
Can a 12th pass also start his digital marketing career in India?
Yes, he easily can. The industry of digital marketing is not bounded by these qualifying limitations. You can learn this skill even if you do not have any degree at all.
Is it difficult to find a job in digital marketing?
It is hard if you do not yet possess the skill of marketing digitally to people. However, if you truly possess this skill, then companies will line up to hire you.
We, the team of the Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing, now hope that you now know how to start a digital marketing career in India. Well, just to keep you informed, DIDM is the best digital marketing institute in Delhi and is the best one to provide you with everything you need to start a digital marketing career in India.
We provide our placement assistance, internship opportunities, 50+ modules, etc. at a fraction of the cost of what other digital marketing institutes charge. If you were searching for how to start a digital marketing career in India, there would not be an any better place than DIDM. To join our digital marketing course, dial +91 8800505151.