HomeSocial MediaTop 4 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousels

Top 4 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousels

Top Advantages of Using Instagram Carousels: According to a recent study, the post on Instagram is likely to receive more success if they contain an Instagram carousel over a single video or picture. SocialInsider a social media competitive analysis tool examined over 22 million Instagram posts, of which about 3 million were carousels. (Learn how to make money with Instagram by Digital Marketing Course in Delhi)

Besides attracting maximum engagement, it also tried to share insights into what most of the popular posts have in common. The limitation is up to 10 pictures or videos on every carousel. Maintaining a balance becomes a challenge. The information can be helpful for marketers to come up with effective planning to implement ideas on Carousel posts. Digital Marketing is one such way to understand the benefits of using Instagram Carousels or how to earn money with Instagram Marketing? Let’s understand the top 4 advantages of using Instagram Carousels.

#1 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousel

Instagram Carousels are receiving massive popularity for various purposes. The Instagram post containing Instagram Carousels post was 2 to 4% in 2017 which shot up to 19% in July 2020. The average engagement rate of Carousel per post is 1.92%, compared to 1.74% for images and 1.45% for videos.

#2 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousel


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It has been declared that using 10 Instagram carousel slides can bring an engagement rate of over 2%. However, most of such posts contain 2 to 4 slides. Only 6% of the total Carousel posts use 10 slides. Out of nearly 3 million carousels, it was found that a carousel having 10 slides attracted the highest engagement rate. It has also been observed that engagement drops off after three slides but again picks up at 8 slides and above.

#3 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousel

An Instagram carousel comprising videos and pictures attracts the highest engagement rate per post (2.33%). Carousel with the mix of both videos and images are rarely used, which is equivalent to 7%. 88% of carousels contain only images and 4% contain only videos. Mixed content carousels are not a widely used tactic, but marketers need to consider using it. (Reach Out To top Digital Marketing Training Institute in Delhi)

#4 Advantages of Using Instagram Carousel

Also, the carousels with videos bring a higher engagement rate when compared to images alone. Another interesting fact about video carousels is that they generate more comments. Instagram Carousels that contain only videos receive 26 comments from every post where mixed content receives 16 comments per post. This brings us to the conclusion that carousals with only images have the least engagement in terms of comments. Follow the tips and implement them while you target online users and followers.


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