When you are starting fresh in the internet market realm, there is a lot to learn. Depending upon your niche of focus, blogs will open up to a world of opportunities that are just a click away. As the number of internet marketing blogs, social media, content marketing, email marketing, and SEO blogging posts has risen in number because of the
growing competition. (Give the best kickstart to your career with most becoming Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon)
Mentioning Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs that will serve your purpose!
The Knowledge Bank

This blog justifies the name. It is a diverse blog that covers all aspects of content marketing and creation from spanning from extracting thought leadership from key company employees, lead generation, and content distribution.
KISSmetrics is an incredible blog with a focus on data and metrics. Also, it shares detailed information about analytics and marketing. As technology is emerging at a rapid pace, this is a great blog to follow because it publishes frequently. It covers topics like content marketing, SEO, and analytics. It’s one of the best digital marketing blogs.
One-Click Lindsey

One-click Lindsey is one of the best internet marketing blogs. It shares information about content creation to all aspects of digital marketing. It is a fine blog that can help you get insights into the digital marketing world. You should definitely follow it. (Reach out to the best Digital Marketing Institute in Gurgaon)
HubSpot is one of the finest blogs because it adopts a unique way to post blogs. This blog post has a conversational tone that humanizes the content and makes it easily understandable. It is also an authoritative site filled up with inbound marketing strategy, templates, infographics, analytics, and landing page tips. You will find posts covering SEO advice, sales, academy, web design, and social marketing.
Digiday will satisfy your curiosity if you are an influencer interested in Digital Marketing information. This blog post shares in-depth industry knowledge and experiences and has a unique approach towards brands, agencies, publishers, and platforms.
Q.1 What is the future of digital marketing?
Digital Marketing 2021 predictions are likely to add new methods and strategies towards marketing. Moreover, in pandemic social media and email marketing will be trending as a better way to approach customer services.
Q.2 What is the future of digital marketers in India?
The average salary for a digital marketing manager is Rupees 8 lakh in India. However, this is for a candidate with 4-8 years of experience.
Q.3 Is Digital Marketing High in Demand?
In order to drive more profits and traffics the small and giant brands are prioritizing digital channels to connect with target customers. Thus the demand for high-quality digital marketing talent has increasingly become more prominent.
Read More: Content Marketing Blogs: Top 5 Blogs To Follow in 2021
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