HomeDigital MarketingWhat are the Trending Technologies that changed Digital Marketing...

What are the Trending Technologies that changed Digital Marketing concept!

Trending Technologies that changed the Digital Marketing concept in 2020 is one of the most viral topics on the internet. As the companies are continuously looking for a change and using new technologies to excite the customers for buying more. Those Trending technologies introduced in the year 2020 have made the Digital Marketing concept more advanced. (Enroll with Best digital marketing institute in Gurgaon to get placement in reputed companies)

Digital Marketing is growing worldwide which enables the exchange of new trends and strategies among companies all across the world. For the current year, the technological trends which have drawn out the new concept of Digital Marketing are included Voice Search, Augmented Reality, Videos, and many more. Let us explored these respectively.

How Can I use Trending Technologies in Digital Marketing Strategy? The most asked question on the internet is described below!

1. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is defined as the technology which creates the image with the help of digital elements. Basically, it offers the buyer or customer to predict the product’s results before buying it. For this technology, one has to equip with a Mobile phone. By pointing a mobile phone’s camera to a space where you’re in real, AR will be adding digital elements to that scene and combine the reality with the virtual.

Digital Marketing trends
Digital Marketing trends

However, technology AR is used to drive desired results for the customers so that the brands can grow with the highest sales.

How companies are using it?

  1. The cosmetic giant L’oreal allows its buyers to try out their cosmetic products virtually first and then make the final decision to purchase it.
  2. Another company using AR technology is the Swedish furniture company IKEA which helps their customer for buying furniture. With the help of AR, they can see the future results of how the item will look after buying it.

2. Social Commerce

Social Commerce is similar to tagging products on the picture. The method is so effective in advancing customer experience that the brands can easily sell their products online. How does this process work? For instance, the brand posted an image of a model who’s wearing a beautiful dress and other accessories. Now the viewers can see her style which immediately makes them want to know all the whereabouts of the dress.

Now the tagging will help the customer to find the exact location of the dress on the web. This process is highly popular on Instagram.

3. Voice Search

Voice search is again another highlight among the lists of Digital Marketing Trends 2020. Voice Search is becoming more and more active in the devices of the users, whether it is mobile phones, computers, and vehicles. Now let’s take an example, suppose if someone wants to cook Brownies in their home, how he or she will search it on Google? Either he will type “Recipe of Fudgy Brownies” or he will ask via voice search “how do I make Fudgy Brownies at home?”

Now the differences between these two sentences due to trending Voice Search is urged Digital Marketer to optimize their content for Voice Search as well.

For this, they need to use long-tail keywords, Use Google My Business for local searches, and include questions in your content. (Learn digital marketing course with Digital Marketing course in Gurgaon)

4. Rise of the Video

Videos attract readers more than blogs do. In this everyday hustle and bustle-filled life, nobody is having the patience to read lengthy content. The video makes the user understand easily and with the help of Demos showing in the videos is raising the need for more videos alike. Video materials are impacting Digital Marketing incredibly. Thus, Google asks Video bloggers to optimize their content for better ranking. Use keywords in the descriptions, title, subheadings, and tags.

5. Social Messaging Apps

These days, people open their eyes in the morning with the opening social messaging apps and close it in the night after going through the messages they received on the social messaging apps. This realizes many companies use these apps for receiving feedback, suggesting new offers and discounts, introducing new launches, and many more. ( Digital Marketing Training Institute Noida: How To Learn Digital Marketing)

These apps have made interaction between buyer and brand more comfortable and easy.

To transform your Digital Marketing strategy into the effective one, you need to focus on these trending technologies as growth is the key to any organization’s wellness.


FAQs Answered


Q.1 What are the latest trends in Digital Marketing?

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Chatbots
  • Conversational Marketing
  • Personalization
  • Video Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

Q.2 What is the next big thing in Digital Marketing?

Conversational Marketing is the next big thing in digital marketing. Because it is growing with big investment. Brands spend across search, display, video, and email expected to top $120B by 2021.

Q.3 Is Digital Marketing The Future?

The scope is broader when it comes to digital marketing. Internet marketing or online marketing will be the rule as a powerful medium of marketing in the future ahead.


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